Yea Chess is a program that will let you play chess against the computer.
You can choose the color that you want to use, and the computer will play against you, using its artificial intelligence. You can adjust the skill level of the computer, according to your own skills. The program´s interface is pretty simple, all you will have to do is to click on the piece you want to move, and then in the square where you want it to be placed. You can choose if you want to promote the next pawn to arrive at the end of the board to a Queen, Rook, Knight or Bishop. The game is totally portable, so you will not have to install it. You will just have to run the .EXE file, that will use the DLL file included in the archive.
Yea Chess has the ability to save games at any moment. This way it is possible to pause a game, and restart it again, from the same position, at any moment. The file of the game will be saved in the same folder that the other two necessary files, so you can take your saved games with you, if you have the program in your pen drive.
In brief, Yea Chess is a very good chess program, totally portable, and free.
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